Elementary School
If you’re not already, it is time to get organized! And, it’s never too late to start. It is so important to get your kids off to a good start in school. They need to be well rested; have their clothes, shoes, lunches and backpacks ready the night before; have breakfast – even if it’s a breakfast bar on the way to school; and have a dedicated time and place for homework. Also, it is a good idea for you to have a folder or basket to keep up with your child’s papers that need to be signed and returned. Being organized will make school a much better experience for you and your elementary school student.
Below are a few frequently asked questions not specifically covered in the Parent Handbook.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need a physical to register for Kindergarten?
No, but this will be a requirement, along with up-to-date immunizations, prior to or shortly after starting school in August. We have copies of the required forms to complete when your child has his/her well-child check-up. The physicians at CAPC advise that the “kindergarten shots” be given at their 4 year check-up. Getting these over with early will decrease the anxiety in getting ready for school to start.
How much TV and computer use is appropriate for my elementary school child?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 1 – 2 hours of total screen time, including TV, computers and video games each day. Use the free time for more physical and mentally creative activities – outside whenever possible.
My child wants to snack every day after school. Is this normal?
Yes! Children with high levels of activity may need more calories than three meals a day provide to meet their energy needs. Have healthy, simple snack choices, such as fruit and raw vegetables, handy for them to grab. Snacks are a good opportunity for parents to encourage healthy food choices and good eating habits – learning to get hungry, rather than eating to feel full all the time.
Should my school-age child still ride in a car seat?
Yes. They should stay in their forward-facing car seat until they reach their weight or height limit for that car seat. Then a belt-positioning booster seat should be used until the vehicle seat belt fits properly – typically when they have reached 4’9” in height and are between 8 – 12 years of age.
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