Welcome New Patients!
We are honored that you are considering us or have already chosen us as the pediatric care provider for your family! To see a list of our providers, click here. We realize that selecting a pediatrician or changing to a new pediatrician is a big decision for you. To make this process easier, we want you to know as much about Central Arkansas Pediatric Clinic as possible before your child’s first visit.
Newborns: First Visit
Our new patient information form can be printed, completed and brought with you to your visit. Either or both parents will also need to be prepared to present a valid driver’s license. It is our practice to scan the driver’s license into your child’s demographic record with us. Our staff uses this to protect the safety of your child by matching the picture on the ID to the adult bringing the child for care on subsequent visits.
- the patient’s insurance card
- any court documents related to guardianship
- payment for co-pays / co-insurance
Alternate Consent Form
We require an Authorization for Alternate Consent be on file for each patient. This gives you, the parents, the opportunity to identify other adults who have your permission to bring your child to CAPC for care. You can include grandparents, baby-sitters and/or trusted friends. CAPC staff verifies the adult presenting with the child for care is listed on the Alternate Consent Form if the child is not accompanied by a parent. If you are divorced and a step-parent will often be bringing your child for care, step-parents have to be listed on the Alternate Consent Form. All patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult listed on the alternate consent form for all physician visits.
Medical Records Transfer
Many parents worry about getting medical records from a previous physician to us. We want this to be easy for you. To have medical records transferred to CAPC from another healthcare provider, click here for a Medical Records Release form.
For more information and resources for your newborn, click here!
Children & Adolescents: First Visit
Our new patient information form can be printed, completed and brought with you to your visit. Either or both parents will also need to be prepared to present a valid driver’s license. It is our practice to scan the driver’s license into your child’s demographic record with us. Our staff uses this to protect the safety of your child by matching the picture on the ID to the adult bringing the child for care on subsequent visits. For patients age two years and older, we also ask that you complete a health history form for your child.
- the patient’s insurance card
- any court documents related to guardianship
- payment for co-pays / co-insurance
Alternate Consent Form
We require an Authorization for Alternate Consent be on file for each patient. This gives you, the parents, the opportunity to identify other adults who have your permission to bring your child to CAPC for care. You can include grandparents, baby-sitters and/or trusted friends. CAPC staff verifies the adult presenting with the child for care is listed on the Alternate Consent Form if the child is not accompanied by a parent. If you are divorced and a step-parent will often be bringing your child for care, step-parents have to be listed on the Alternate Consent Form. All patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult listed on the alternate consent form for all physician visits.
Medical Records Transfer
Many parents worry about getting medical records from a previous physician to us. We want this to be easy for you. To have medical records transferred to CAPC from another healthcare provider, click here for a Medical Records Release form.
For more information and resources for your child, check out our age-appropriate content here!
Browse our Online Parent Handbook!
Our one-stop guide for parents is now online! Click the button to access helpful information about the most common pediatric symptoms and concerns.