Expectant Parents
CAPC physicians see newborns at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock. The physician “on-call” will see you within 24 hours of your baby’s arrival in the hospital.
Each of the pediatricians at CAPC welcome the opportunity to visit with you before your child is born. You will be able to ask them questions and tour the clinic. They will ask about your pregnancy and which hospital you plan to use for the birth of your baby. Bring your list of questions! Call our office at 501-847-2500 and ask to schedule an “expectant parent” appointment with the pediatrician of your choice.
CAPC physicians see newborns at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock. The physician “on-call” will see you within 24 hours of your baby’s arrival in the hospital.
In preparation for the arrival of your baby, you will need to have a properly installed child safety seat for your automobile before leaving the hospital with your newborn. You will also want to have other basic items on hand. We have put together an online resource, Care of the Newborn to help prepare you for this exciting time. There are also several reputable books and websites that you can use as additional sources of information.
Preppin’ For Baby (Monthly Small Group)
Join a CAPC Physician in a small group to discuss basic newborn issues and care! This group meets on the 3rd Saturday each month at 10:00 am in CAPC Well-Child Clinic. To sign up, call us at 501-847-2500.
After Delivery
Following your discharge home with your baby, one of CAPC’s nurse practitioners will call you within the first few days. They will answer any questions that you may have and ask specific questions about the baby. You will also be able to schedule your baby’s first visit to the clinic at this time. If you have concerns or questions before this call, please do not hesitate to call our office at 501-847-2500. Your confidence as a new parent and your baby’s health is very important to us.
After your baby is born, we have after-hours call coverage for medical emergencies. Our clinic has arranged for telephone service to be available to you through Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
Next Steps
Looking for more information about the care of your newborn or what to expect during your first appointment? Click the links below!
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